Friday, March 4, 2011

A new resident at Lees Inn

While the Derrick Lee era ended last year with his trade to the Braves, a new, short 1 year era begins this year. Carlos Pena will not be playing first base for the Cubs next year and if he is, chances are the Cubs won the World Series because if they do not, Prince Fielder or Albie Pujols will be taking over for the next 7 or 8 years.  The Cubs and Carlos Pena are essentially using each other as stop gaps.  CP is playing to get some lower to middle tier team to pay him 10 to 12 million a year for 3 or 4 years.  That is the reason guys sign one year deals.  He needs to prove himself.  What do the Cubs get out of this though?  They get a  quality defensive first baseman who should help out our sub  par defensive infield and a guy who should be able to hit 4th or 5th and hit 35 HRs, and hopefully hit above.230.  This was just a perfect match between player and club. If it doesn't work it doesn't matter. The cubs lose like they always do and Carlos Pena takes a 1 yr, 5 million dollar deal with the Royals.  CP has had pretty consistent power numbers over the past 4 years and still managed to hit 28 HRs last year while dealing with plantar fascitis. If he could hit closer to the .240 career average and have the .350 OBP that he has averaged over his career, the Cubs would be thrilled.  Pena is one of the two players that I think hold the keys to the Cubs having a successful offensive season. The other is Rammy, but if CP can hit 35HRs, drive in 100, with an OBP near .350 I am pretty sure the Cubs will be in it until  the end of September and that is all a fan can ask for.


  1. You are a clown. You're banking the Cubs 2011 offense on a guy who hit .198 last season? This Cubs team will be lucky to win 70 games.

  2. Put some money where your mouth is. I already got the Cubs +6 against the White Sox. you want to make a wager on this??

  3. Puljos has got to be 37 years old. The Dough-min-a-cans never get that whole birthday date thing right.

    Give me the Prince of Fatness.
