Sunday, March 6, 2011

Break Out The Brooms

And the Super Best Friends lose to the Bulls again, and this one may have been the sweetest.  Bulls chasing  by 9 at the half, and in typical fashion, get reamed out by Thibs during the half and come out on fire in the second half.  While they did play a brutal final 2 minutes and caught a bit of a break with the Deng foul, the defense showed up at the end of the game.  The last possession where the Bulls switched on the screen and let Noah play defense on LBJ epitomizes what the Bulls are.  A true team. 10 deep. Everyone matters.  It is so refreshing to see that especially when you watch a team like the Heat.  The Big 3 scored 66 of the 86 points and had 2 shots at the end of the game to win it.  Maybe they should stop letting Lebron James miss opportunites and give someone else a chance to make a big shot.  They showed a stat today, which was just outrageous to me today. The Heat are now 1for16 in final shot attempts.  They have the worst percentage in the NBA. Of all of the horrible teams out there in the NBA and there is a lot of bad teams, the Heat are the worst. The absolute worst.  The Heat, especially Chris Bosh came out on fire in this game, and this one looked like it could get out of hand early, but the Bulls did enough to keep it close with a solid final couple minutes in the 2nd quarter.  Bosh was non-existent in the second half of this game. I'm sure he's crying at his locker next time saying how he just doesn't understand why they cant beat any good teams.  Pending on where this team finishes, I do not think they will be able to get by the Knicks or the Magic. For the Bulls to go in there and finish off the sweep was huge. The Bulls have the 3rd easiest schedule in the NBA from here on out and what a testament to Derrick Rose and the Bulls that is. The Bulls have played about 5 games at full strength all season and they are the number 2 seed.  They had been okay on the road this year but to win back to back road games at Orlando and Miami is a great way to end a road trip, which they would have gone 4-0 on if they hadn't blown the game in ATL.  There are 6 teams that can play in the East and to finish in the top 2 in the Eastern Conference will be pivotal because you will not have to play the Knicks, Magic or Hawks in the first round. Its pretty much a free pass to the Eastern Conference semis.  I love the Bulls and everyone on this roster and I cannot wait for the playoffs. Lebron, I loathe you.

1 comment:

  1. Hey... since you are a big Bulls fan.. I was wondering if maybe your expertise could come up with a solid nickname for the Bulls second team. It is arguably the best second team in the NBA right now. I am greatly impressed with the effort they put in every night even though it is for like 10 min a game. Help out lets think of a name and get some Asik t-shirt jerseys in the works
