Monday, March 21, 2011

Inaugural "Who Cut the Cheese?" POST

So i mentioned in my earlier post today the introduction of our second daily reoccurring segment, "Who Cut the Cheese?"  This daily segment will revolve around which person/team who did the stupidest thing or was just the stinkiest player on the floor.  After watching this weekend of basketball, there are an outrageous amount of candidates for this award.  There is ND and Purdont for just laying an egg.  There is the kid on Texas who did not call a time out soon enough, even though that  5 count was questionable. There was Jordan Hamilton who tried to take a charge on Derrick Williams and bailed out so early his manhood had to be questioned. There was Rick Barnes for calling that timeout when Texas got the ball before the  5 second call allowing arizona to set up their defense.  Who else sucks? Well you have to put Henson from Carolina in this category as a possible recipient for almost goaltending the last shot against Washington.  And then of course there was Shelvin Mack of Butler for committing a foul against Pittsburgh with 1.4 seconds left almost costing Butler the game. But the winner of the first "Who Cut the Cheese?" award is Nasir Robinson of Pittsburgh for committing a foul 83 feet from Butler's basket and costing Pittsburgh a chance to win in OT.   Talk about your all time dumbest fouls.  Take a look at it.

I know the video is a little large but I thought I needed to emphasize how stupid this was. I mean if you are Jamie Dixon, you have to start thinking you may be cursed. 7 of the past 10 years Pitt has been a 1 thru 3 seed, one year a 4, one year a 5, and one year a 9. So a pretty high seed for 9 of the last 10 years. 0 final fours in the time and only 1 elite 8 appearance. not bad, but definitely not good by anyone's standards.

But back to Nasir Robinson, I mean he made probably the stupidest foul in the history of the NCAA tournament and pretty much bailed out Shelvin Mack who would have been the winner of this award had Pittsburgh won. What was he thinking? I mean I just do not understand why anyone would do that. If you are not going to get the board then, just back off and let Howard chuck it into the stands. .00000000000000001 percent chance that launch goes in. Just ridiculous. Well Nasir Robinson, you played a great game minus that last second, but you will unfortunately be remembered for that one bonehead play. Thank god your name is not as easy to say as Bill Buckner. I mean Bill Buckner just rolls off the tongue. Nasir Robinson not so much, but Nas, I feel for you and congratulations on winning the first "Who Cut the Cheese" award. Hopefully the stench wears off soon.

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