Friday, March 18, 2011

Movie Review: Battle LA

So saw I saw Battle LA last night or Independence Day 3 (#2 was Skyline, it stunk) and I'll steal a friends description of it. It's kind of like watching someone play Halo for 2 hours and it pretty much is. Entertaining but you are left wanting.

Story goes that this. A bunch of aliens are trying to take over the planet for our water. We are unprepared for their superior technology and get our shit wrecked. So of course a bad ass Sargent with some baggage and a group of marines outnumbered save the day. That's pretty much it. No plot twists to be had. It's good LA watching, lots of local spots but that won't mean much to anyone outside of the area.

They steal pretty heavily from other war movies with some kills (I counted at least 2 stolen from Saving Private Ryan) and 95% of the acting is not good but overall the action is solid and I left feeling like I ate at Chili's, good but it wasn't really a high quality meal I yearn for. I recommend it if you are desperate to kill sometime or going out with the guys to see some action.

Final Rank: Two and half Cushmisters.

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