Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bulls Bench Outscores Starters

Well, if you take the Booz injury out of last nights performance, you would have to be thrilled with the the win and especially how the bench played. 51 points, 20 from Korver in only 17 minutes.  This group played so well down the stretch that Thibs got to give D-Rose a rest for almost the whole 4th quarter.  CJ Watson had 6 assists to 0 turnovers and then there was Ronnie Brewer who was able to drill two 3-pointers.  And while I do not want to crazy about a win over the Charlotte Bobcats, the Bulls did what they needed to do and handedly won this game.  Defensively, this team just continues to show up in the 2nd half.  The Bobcats managed just 35 points in the 2nd half and the Bulls in typical fashion pulled away with ease.  Quick question: What is MJ doing down there in Charlotte?  That team is horrific.  The only player that is even a building block is Gerald Henderson.  Boris Diaw is decent I guess, but there is really nothing to build on down there.  MJ needs to work on getting this franchise together and more importantly needs to learn that Kwame Brown sucks and is a waste of space.  I do not get the fascination MJ has with him.  But whatever, Bulls win with ease again and it looks like it wasn't a knee injury for the Booz, but an ankle. Let's pray that this is only a mild sprain that keeps him out for a couple games.  Now I was going to post a video Lisa Turtle doing "The Sprain" but stupid youtube would not let me embed the video so I figured I'd post this instead just because it is probably the greatest moment in Saved By the Bell history. kick the habit Jesse.

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