Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Carlos Silva has got to go

While I had previously written that I think Carlos Silva should be banished from town, I have to believe that the writing is now on the wall. Carlos managed to give up 8 runs in 2 1/3 innings of work.  Now I know this guy was lights out for about 10 starts last season but his track record of being absolute garbage is to much for me.  How the Mariners could sign that guy to a contract  like that is almost as bad as them trading it away for Milton Bradley's horrible contract.  Carlos Silva has now pitched about 4 innings and given up 14 runs.  I'd say  he's done.  and thank God for that.  I guess I can understand why the Cubs would entertain putting him in the rotation since he is going to make in the neighborhood of 12 million dollars this year, but who cares at this point.  Another pitcher pitched himself out of the starting roto competition as well.  Jimmy Russell,  consider your ticket punched for Iowa.  He also got crushed yesterday.   The only bright spots yesterday had to be seeing Kerry throw a perfect inning and striking out two and the offense destroying the Angels bad pitching.  They couldn't touch Danny Haren, but they did take advantage of the bad Angels pitching.  Anyways, I think Wells is looking like the 4th, but this thing is still wide open when it comes to the 5th starter, and to be honest, it's not looking good.

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