Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Cheese Just Got a Little Stinkier

I'm not quite sure how I got roped into this, but I will tell you what, if I am going to do it, I am going to attempt do it right. In true Squints fashion I will strive to make my posts stinky, rotten, low...and cool (For those of you who know me, the first three will be no problem but that last one has been alluding me for 26.5 years now).

Unlike Mr. Dorn I will make absolutely no attempt to be neither appropriate or objective. I rarely think before I speak so do not expect anything different on this blog. I am very much pro all Chicago teams (minus the Sox), Tiger Woods, and of course Hoosier bball. The list of things I am not a fan of includes, but is not limited to: US Cellular Field, the first three quarters of NBA games, Tyrrell, the figthing Illini, the designated hitter, Charlie Sheen, Kevin Garnett, Phil Mickelson, lettuce, and anyone who doesn't like South Park.

I am going to attempt to make a post or two every week about any major sports stories. Also, I view it as my job to take Dorn down a notch or two when he gets out of control with his ridiculous predictions, and calm him down when he inevitably hits the weekly panic button (see article about Boozer's injury for this weeks example). In short, I am going to ruffle some feathers, but I think that is exactly what this blog needs.

I will be back early this week with my analysis of the brackets but I can give you a few early tidbits: Despite today's victory Kentucky is too young and inconsistent to make a major run. I love Carolina's talent, but they have been falling behind early too often lately. Killed them today against Duke. They will probably be a double digit favorite in the first round...take the points. The big ten is garbage. I like lousiville and ND out of the big east. Don't sleep on San Diego St, they can make a major run. Finally, you should take everything I just said go straight to your booky and do exactly the opposite as I am the definition of the mush.

This post is dedicated to Chet's good friend Evan Lysacek and his courageous battle with the Big C.

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