Friday, April 1, 2011

So Touchy Feely

I write a gushing post about the White Sox and then you talk to White Sox fans and they say they agree with everything you wrote except the 2 negative things in the whole post.  Apparently we should not even play the games this season because the White Sox have zero holes on their roster and are the equivalent of Murderers Row. I had to hear how Alexei Ramirez got screwed out of the gold glove and how great AJ is as a clubhouse guy. blah blah blah. I didn't even say Alexei was bad, I said he botches some real easy plays and makes some real fantastic ones.  How that can be misconstrued into me saying he is the worst SS in baseball is pretty much how they take it.  All I ask is that  you take the homer hats off for a second. Alexei is good, but to say he is best defensive SS in the AL is just too much of a stretch for me.  I would probably put him as 4 or 5 as far as defense is concerned. 

As far as AJ is concerned, I despise him with every bone in my body and still managed to write a few nice things about him.  While playing COD last night, the conversation revolved around AJ being this great clubhouse guy. Whatever.  Clubhouse character is all good and grand, but when you already have a Buehrle and Konerko in the clubhouse to be leaders, I don't think AJ's clubhouse character matters all that much.  He is definitely a guy that people rather being playing with than playing against and I get that, but its no accident that this guy rubs most people the wrong way. His cockiness doesn't equal his talent level and I think that is what annoys me the most about him.  AJ is not a bad player, I would say he is a very average catcher all around.  That's my issue with him, he walks and talks like he is Albert Pujols.  The guy just annoys the shit out of me and I'm just going to stop there before this stretches 7 pages long and is full of nothing but hate speech.


  1. I want to to get mpoll on this board. I was loving his take on the Sox. F clubhouse guy. Gimmie AIDs-Cancer guy who has an .850 OPS

