Saturday, April 2, 2011

Thoughts from Day 1 of the Season : Cubs Bad. White Sox Good

What the H E double hockey sticks are you smiling about?

Well, that was awful.  The old man and I battled the conditions for that display of ineptitude.  Horrible horrible game. Day 1 and its time to hit the panic button.  Why can the Cubs not beat the Pirates?  They are terrible.  Last year we were  I mean Kevin Correia was the opening day starter.  Kevin freakin Correia.  He stinks. And then Dempster. Jesus.  How the hell do you walk Ronnie Cedeno in the 5th? It is almost impossible to walk Cedeno.  For years I watched him flail at pitches 3 feet off the plate, and Dump walks him.  Then he walks Jose Tabata. and then Neil Walker hits a ball that has not landed yet. Next question. Why the hell was Demp still in the game in the 7th and why would you have him throw 114 pitches on opening day. Don't get it. Don't like it.  He should have never been in to face McCutcheon. That game was just bad.

Well Adam Dunn seems to be paying dividends already.  Him and Quentin had a huge day and the Sox rolled the Indians. Not much to talk about.  It was a bloodbath. Fausto Carmona useless. Buehrle was solid. When you get 14 runs of support by the 4th, your day becomes a touch easier.

Anyways, I know the season is young, but if the Sox play this good, and the Cubs play this bad. This summer is going to be horrible.  Momentum is the next day's starting pitcher so get it going Carlos.

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