Friday, April 8, 2011

Source Code Review

Quantum Leap meets Ground Hog day. That is exactly what this movie is. Story goes like this. Army hero is chosen to save the city of Chi. They use a new method called "Source Code" to tap into the last brain functions of a deceased person. Basically they view a persons memory but are able to let someone act out the memory in anyway they choose. Not a lot of science behind this one but it doesn't really matter as its pretty obvious whats going on in the flick. So our hero, Jake Gyllenhaal (Harvard-Westlake's finest) relives this memory over and over again to find clues on who is looking to set off a massive dirty bomb before its too late! In the process he of course starts a little relationship with Michelle Monaghan (She purrtty) and that leads to a feel good ending. Felix from the new Bond movies is in it, I like that guy, would kinda like to listen to a book on tape with him doing the reading. It's also heavily filmed outside of Chicago in Glenbrook so all you homers can love that.

It's an average movie at best. In fact I'd describing it as not sucking, which really means its not good but you also wouldn't want to call it bad. Frankly I wouldn't spend $13 on this thing, especially this weekend when you got Jim Nantz to lull you in and out of sleep on Sunday at Augusta. Save this one for Netflix.

Verdict: 2 Cushies outta 5.

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