Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wow, this blog really lost some steam and tyler colvin bobblehead night

Yea, so I know there has not been much written lately, but the Chairman of Cheddar has actually been trying to do something with his life over the past week.  Anyways, we are back and in full swing starting with the Bulls, Hawks and all things Chicago baseball.  Cubs boring. Did you know that the Cubs have been 1-1,2-2,3-3,4-4,5-5,6-6,7-7, and now 8-8.  That is actually kinda crazy but also boring.  How bad has Dempster been?  Jesus, between him and Garza, I do not know who has been more horrendous.  But you know who really stinks..........the White Sox.  I would have never guessed the Sox would go through a stretch like this all season.  The division is upside down right now with the Indians and Royals on top.  Point being, it does not matter. Those teams stink.  STINK.  They will have be back.  Adam Dunn and Juan Pierre have been brutal this year.  Adam Dunn has quite the strikeout ratio going right now.  He is on pace for something like 350 strikeouts.  That would be quite a feat.  I am totally shocked by this. I would blame it on the cold weather, but Dunn comes from cold weather, plus he is not from the Dominican so that excuse is not valid.  Pretty sure Ling Ling will have something on the Hawks blowout and upcoming Bulls game.  We will be giving you live coverage of game 4 as some members of the Cheese's writing staff will be making the trek.  Go Bulls.  Anyone want to go to the 6:05 Cubs game with Chairman Chet tonight?  Or you can buy them from me if you are interested. 10 dollars a ticket? Let me know, its Tyler Colvin bobblehead night. sweet

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