Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Turco Rules

So apparently Marty Turco made a few wagers with a Canadiens fan last night during the game. After the Habs took a 1-0 lead, the fan bet Turco that the Blackhawks wouldn't score the rest of the game (pretty stupid bet knowing that the Hawks are 4th in the league in scoring and there was still a period and a half remaining). Minutes later Kaner put one in the net and the fan promptly slid a $5 bill through the glass which read "Habs rule". Turco, who apparently is financially struggling after signing a one year, $1.3 million dollar contract, gladly accepted the $5 bill and went on his way. After the third period expired, the fan offered Turco 5 to 1 odds that the Canadiens would win and since Turco was playing with the house's money, he accepted. After the Habs scored the game winner, Turco handed the fan a wad of $5 bills which included the original $5 bill that had "Habs rule" crossed out and instead read "Turco Rules".

First off, I think this awesome. Not just as a compulsive gambler, but as a fan of all sports. Just like I appreciated the extended conversation between Mike D'Antoni and a Knicks fan on whether the Knicks should've fouled at the end of regulation, I love the interaction between athletes/coaches and fans. Obviously these fans spent a pretty penny on those tickets, whether it's floor seats at Madison Square Garden or glass seats at Bell Centre. As long as the fans aren't being idiots, saying things they would never say if a security guard or a sheet of glass wasn't between them and the player they are talking too, I'd love to see more interaction between the athletes and the fans. The only question I have is how come Turco has a wad of $5 dollar bills on the bench? Are there pockets in goalie pads and if so, does Turco carry his wallet in case he wants to buy some popcorn and watch the Corey Crawford show? And although I love that he responded to the "Habs rule", lets not get selfish here Marty. Last I checked you haven't started in the last 24 games so maybe next time you should go with "Hawks rule" or "Turco used to rule".

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