Monday, April 11, 2011

Seriously Quade, What the F**k?

I swear to God, this Cubs bullpen which I thought would be a strength is el horrible.  This season so far has been a gosh darn joke.  Quade's management of his pitchers this season has really made me question what the hell the Cubs were thinking hiring this guy. This is just awful.  I just do not know what the hell he is thinking.  He is leaving his starters in way too long, especially Dempster.  I know Dempster was all over Quade's shit this off season and praising him as the second coming of God in the dugout, but so far all I have season is a bunch of missed signs and poor pitching management.  IE. why the hell was Demp still in the game tonight after Bill Hall hit an oppo bomb off him.  After that he should have been pulled immediately.  But nooooooooo, he stayed in to give up a 2-run bomb to some dude named Sanchez. This team should be 6-3 at worst going into this series with the lowly Astros.  Instead we are 4-5 and its not looking good.  Unfortunately this season looks to me like it is lost already.  I just really don't understand Quade's game management.  He stinks.  This is not the minor leagues dude.  Winning actually does matter.  Getting guys work means nothing in this league.  I do not think he understands that John Grabow is not good.  He should be pitching in bull shit games.  I know Wood sucked up the joint yesterday, but if the Cubs have a lead I dont want to see anyone but Marshall Wood and Marmol.  I just do not like where this season is heading.  Quade gets an F from this guy so far.

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