Monday, April 25, 2011

This needs to end now...

This was almost the scene at Conseco Fieldhouse on Saturday afternoon. You could almost hear the entire city of Chicago (and half of the crowd at Conseco) let out a collective "Oh Shit..." when Rose went down with a sprained ankle. He was obviously smarting from that injury after he came back into the game as he shot 3-for-16 (6-for-22 for the game, eww). Even when the Bulls were pressing and shooting the passing lanes, Derrick came up with a couple steals but couldn't finish at the rim like he usually does. The comeback would obviously been great not only to close the series, but also the added rest for Derrick and his now injured ankle. This game was again marred by turnovers and a poor shooting percentage. Before the injury, DRose and the rest of the team were settling for outside jumpers. Derrick couldn't drop a 3, while the Pacers were hitting anything and everything and popped out to a 18 point lead. After DRose's injury, the Bulls needed a second scorer to emerge and help take the game off of his back. Can't look to Boozer the Playoff Ghost. Another poor shooting game for Booz (6-for-15). Seriously don't understand why he constantly is shooting fade away jumpers when Jeff Foster is checking him. The one time Booz did finish strong at the rim he got T'd up for staring down Hibbert, once again showing how dumb Booz can be. Deng had a rough night going only 5-for-14 for 16 points and Korver wasn't knocking down shots. The Bulls were starving for someone else to score and Noah was the only one who showed up. He ended up being the team's leading scorer and proved to be too fast for Hibbert as he had a couple great drives to the hoop. The only knock on Jo was that he kept trying to get the interior passing game going early, but that just lead to turnovers. Especially because he was passing the ball to the NBA player formally known as Carlos Boozer. I'm guessing Thibs wasn't especially happy with the result and probably stuck it to the team afterward. Hopefully this loss can finally get the Bulls to get back on their game and back to playing the way they did in the regular season. Reports were out that DRose showed up to the Berto Center yesterday in a walking boot and did not practice, but the MRI was negative. DRose will play tomorrow night, no doubt. Hopefully the treatments, a little bit of R&R, and a video session with Thibs will get his game right. Bulls look to close out the series tomorrow night. Lets go.....

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