Sunday, February 27, 2011

Well....jeez that went well......notes from the south

Ok, Cubs spring opener has come and gone and while its not exactly time to press the panic button like I did yesterday playing NCAA2010 vs. Mans, I would have liked to see Matt Garza not get totally rocked.  Anyways, no big deal, Tyler Colvin can't catch fly balls, and Matt Garza can't get anyone out, but ya know what. Its all good.  Its all good. Its all good.  Gotta like the fact that Soriano was 3 for 3...At the same time, it doesn't matter.  We got 5 weeks til opening Day, and it just great to have baseball back in my life.

As far as what is going on over in the Land of OZ. That dude just can't let things go. While I like Ozzie's fire, he also has the mindset of a 12 year old girl.  Not exactly the most mature guy around. In fact, he could have came out of this looking like a real professional, instead of the manager who tells his blabber mouth loser son everything he talks to his players about.  But, no, in typical Ozzie fashion he has to make a story of a complete non story by keeping this Bobby Jenks story in the headlines. News flash, Bobby Jenks sucks.  He sucked last year. He sucked the year before, and if you look at the numbers, he gets worse every single year he takes the mound.  For that reason alone the White Sox made a great decision to let Bobby go.  They have a young kid in Chris Sale who is just electric, Santos, and Thornton, not to mention Jesse Crain who is a much better pitcher than Jenks and is playing for the White Sox for millions less. Great work by Kenny Williams.  Ozzie Guillen, you're an idiot because you could have just made Jenks look like a guy with sour grapes, but every time you bring this up again, and comment again, you look like a moron and the child you appear to be.  The appropriate response should have been, "Bobby was great for us the past 6 years, but it was time for the organization to move on and we wish Bobby nothing but the best." Now Ozzie, is that so hard?

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