Saturday, February 26, 2011

Derrick Rose is the Bee's knees

Now I know I am a little late on this post, but how about that Bulls Heat game on Thursday.  After coming out and getting run out of the gym in the first 8 minutes of the game, Da bulls sent the Super Best Friends packing with another loss against a high quality opponent.  If I had to hear Reggie Miller say one more time how the Bulls could not score without D-Rose on the court I was going to punch that dude in the face like Jordan did for 10 straight years.  Nothing but praise for the Heat and their literally 3 good players, one of which who was 1-18 from the floor and had maybe the worst flop in the history of the NBA.  In all my years of watching basketball, I have never seen a 6-11 big guy take a flop like that.  That was embarrassing and was the cherry on top to an amazing night for Chris Bosh. 
But lets get to the main point of this post. D-Rose. dude dishes out humble pie on the reg to all these guys just like LBJ, the self proclaimed king of the NBA who hasn't won shit other than regular season games.  When the game was on the line Thursday night, D-Rose did what D-Rose does and took over the game.  He made some ridiculous shots and had faith in his teammates to make big shots when they needed to.  The guys simply sweats positive energy and leadership.  The only young player that shows the same tenacity and maturity as D-Rose is probably the Durantula.  The way D accepts coaching, and the way he has improved his game is absolutely remarkable and enough credit cannot be given to him.  We have to remember that he should be a college senior right now.  The level at which he has elevated his game in just one year is amazing. Last year he was probably one of the worst 3 point shooters in the NBA. This year, if he's got space, count it. Kid is just fucking killing it this year and has brought about the reemergence of Bulls fandom in Chicago like never before. Did you see the game on Thursday, everyone was on their feet for the entire fourth qtr.  I cannot remember the last time I saw that at a Bulls game.  It is on this year in the Eastern Conference and I have no doubt that this Bulls team can take out any team in the league right now. Da Bulls

1 comment:

  1. How about Boozer and Noah? Boozer is brings that inside presence that we haven't had in years, because to be quite honest Aaron Gray from Pitt isn't really what we were looking for. Noah doing the dirty dirty work in the paint,seems like all is well at the Madhouse on Madison. Predictions for the playoff run?
