Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sam Hurd's Reindeer Games

Holy Mother of god. I mean Sam Hurd. Sam Hurd. Guy is a special teams expert by day, and Stringer Bell by night. I mean we are talking some serious drugs. Like 1k pounds of weed and 5 to 10 kilos of cocaine. As someone not familiar with drugs, I needed a little clarification on how much coke was 10 kilos worth. Well it is about 5 standard size bags of flour from your local grocery store. Call me crazy but that sounds like an exorbitant amount of coke, and he was going to sell that much per week. What has become most evident following all these new revelations is that Sam Hurd was a much better drug dealer than he was a football player. He was making 10 times his 685k base salary per year on the drugs. Dude is a kingpin. So the next question that has to be asked is, was Sam Hurd the cocaine distributor to the NFL. He was selling 100k of coke for 5 times that so he was clearly not running it on the street. My theory is that Sam Hurd is gonna go all DOnnie Brasco on the NFL and bring to light a whole side of the NFL that we do not want to believe is involved in pro sports, but with big money, you get big drugs. I mean could you have imagined a better way for the Bears to end their season. I mean they lost their franchise QB and RB and just got beat by the horse sh*t AFC West. This team will probably not win another game and this season will be known as the season of "DISSAPOINTMENT." The Bears went from the only team in the NFC that could give the Pack a game to an afterthought in 3 weeks, and having the NFL's biggest drug dealer scumbag on their roster. Nice job Jerry. Caleb Hanie stinks. And I have one more observation from this whole situation. NIU "Northern Illinois University" is churning out a lot of criminals....It's becoming the new AMTRAK in that not a year goes by without an NIU student committing a serious crime. Caleb Hanie is horrific at football. I'm back and I'm out.....Chet

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