Friday, December 30, 2011

Bulls Kings Thoughts...merry new year

I need to figure out again how to put pictures on this site in the middle of articles because if I could remember I would put a large picture of shattering glass to represent how badly Jimmer Fredette was getting his ankles broke yesterday by D Rose and CJ Watson. CJ was the MVP last night in a game that saw the Bulls blow a 15 pt half time lead. D Rose was getting hosed all night by the refs and CJ was forced into serious minutes and really rose to the occasion.

other notes-
* Jimmer Fredette is totally useless defensively and offensively I do not think he has a clue. Clearly he is white and short so he can drill 3's if left open but he continued to dribble into no man's land in the paint and make interesting decisions with the basketball.
* Demarcus Cousins is obnoxious. He can play. but he is obnoxious. There was not a minute I was watching the game and didn't want to punch him in the nose.
* Omer played awesome for having a pathetic looking stat line. I truly dig his style and clearly "GarPax" knew what they were doing when they didn't ship him to another team for a second rate 2 guard. "Omer"ica took Cousins out of his game and made scoring in the paint a real chore for the Kings.
* Ummmm....that's it Merry New year from us at the Cheese....We will be posting more regularly at the start of the New year in hopes of growing the site. we shall see how that goes....doubt it goes far.....but what the hell, world's supposed to end in 2012 anyways.....Go Cubs

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