Monday, May 2, 2011

Fast Five Review

Too Fast. Too Furious. Who's ready for the summer movie season? Ready or not it is upon us. Get ready for 5 months of explosions, monsters, robots, super heroes, and formula comedies(looking at you Hangover 2.) I really think this is the summer people get their fill of super heroes. Thor, Capt. America, Green Lantern. Yay!

On to the review. This isn't your Pankiw's Fast & Furious movie. Those of you who pay a little bit of attention to these flicks know its pretty much tons of geared out gear head gear porn. This movie is less that and more mainstream action with car chases. The ending is just nonsense. To bring you up to speed. Dom(Vin Diesel) has just been broken out of prison by Paul Walker and Jordana Brewster. The super elite team of super agents have been hired to track him down and bring him in. Hobbs(played by the Rock) is all piss n vinegar going after the group. So everyone ends up in Rio, Dom decides to pull one last job(riiiiighhhhtttt, until the next movie) and then everyone goes their separate ways. Of course to do this impossible job they need to bring everyone back from the old movies cause the mission is CRAZY. Explosions, poop jokes, and a billion car crashes latter everyone leaves without a scratch on them.

There are a billion plot holes in this movie, and I swear at one point the Rock was thrown through 3 walls, smashed in the face 10 times, in a car crash, and shot. But is no worse for wear after its all said and done. If you can look past that sort of thing the movie is enjoyable. Hot local, good action, one liners, and even a dose of Ocean's 11 in there. This movie is very watchable even if you haven't seen any of the other ones, in fact it would be the only Fast and Furious I would every recommend to anyone, its just a solid popcorn flick. And for those worried about the asain dude from Tokyo drift, its cool, hes back because this a prequel to that horrible movie.

Lil Hollywood insider note. Vin Diesel is apparently a dbag. Shows up late, doesn't know his lines, and thinks he is a big deal. Word is the Rock showed up on set in shape, and 3 times the size of Vin. Knew his lines, was kind to the crew, and generally set the tone. Vin got all butt hurt and tried to get in shape at the last minute, which shows in the movie, he is mostly arm shots and yelling. Lil Carlos Boozer in his game really.

I give Fast Five 3 and half Cushes

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