Friday, May 27, 2011

I hate watching baseball....

I can't watch ESPN anymore. I thought game 4 was bad. This hurts about 50x more. I don't even want to write this, but I know I'd be letting the 4 readers down if I didn't.

Derrick had another 25 point performance, but took the blame as to why they didn't win. He didn't make the shots or make the right decisions down the stretch to win. Yeah he had a bad game, but his team didn't help him out. He said he wasn't tired during crunch time, but maybe the rigors of the regular season and going deep into the playoffs took a toll on his body. The Bulls' big men, with the exception of BigSexy (who hasn't played a single minute in about a month), were a no show. Boozer had ZERO lift and was missing bunnies at the rim and/or getting an invite to the Heat's block party. Jo was pretty bad on offense with his running hook shots. Taj didn't register a point. The above picture may have affected both of their games. Deng was in foul trouble late in the game, and he couldn't be as effective on defense. Somehow Thibs ran out of timeouts at the end of the game for the second time this post season. All this compiled with some suspect decisions from the refs, the Bulls were able to have a double digit lead and shit the bed down the stretch. Ugh. Absolutely gutted.

I know the Bulls exceeded everyone's expectations this year. I know once Jo went down in the regular season, I thought the Bulls would be no better than a 4th seed. But once the playoffs started I was thinking championship all the way. Maybe I was spoiled by the 90's. When I was a kid, every time the Bulls made the playoffs they won the whole thing. I didn't think the same thing with those Hinrich led teams because they didn't have the talent. But we had the MVP, the COY, the deepest bench in the league, and the #1 defensive team. And I know that with the exception of DWade and MAGIC Johnson (My Ass Got Infected, Coach....maybe a low blow right there, but I'm emotional, sorry I'm not sorry) pretty much every player goes through some sort of heart break before they win. Maybe I made the mistake thinking this year was different. I started the season thinking the Bulls weren't as good as the Heat, then went to believing we could beat the Heat in a 7 game series, then went to knowing that we weren't as good as the Heat. As I said before, I know DRose is only going to get better. And with the way they went out this year, it will drive him to work on his game this off-season. But the rest of the team has to make the jump to get better just as Rose did this year. Or GarPaxDorf needs to make a call to Otis Smith and steal D12.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't think we would do better than a 5 seed as the season started and then get bounced round 1 or 2. Totally surprised we were this good. Rose is clearly legit, Deng has gotten better, Noah will be a great piece for the next 6 years. Our coach is good, which tons of teams can't say.

    Let's go get Hulk Howard, and a real life SG.

    Also go Mavs, please God, go Mavs.
