Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Holy Cheesus!!! The Bears Fired Jerry

Well, to be totally honest, this post would never have occurred had Jay Cutler not gone down with that freak injury. The Bears would be 12-4 and heading to NY to beat the bejesus out of the Giants, and while I would much rather be watching the Bears in the playoffs, the rebuilding of a 3rd Chicago franchise is about to occur.  In Jerry's tenure, the Bears were slightly above .500 and were 3-4 in the playoffs. Is that good? Not really.  It's actually quite bad.  In 11 years the Bears won 3 games.  Yes they made it to a Super Bowl, but they were extremely inconsistent and in all these years with Jerry, it was actually not until this year that I felt the Bears were legitimate SB contenders.  Even when they made it to the SB, the chances Rex was going to win that game vs. Peyton Manning were slim.  So let's look at why Jerry was an average GM who managed to keep this great NFL job for 11 years and why the Bears were so average during his tenure.

1.) Talent Evaluation : In Jerry's 11 years, he has been one of the worst evaluators of offensive talent in football.  He has been unable to draft offensive lineman to play for this team.  In 11 years, he has been unable to obtain talent to keep an NFL quarterback upright.  Most other teams do not have this issue.   As far as the rest of the offense goes, the Bears have never had WR who would be a number 1 on any other team in the NFL. It was as if he was consistently drafting the same identical 5'10 180 lb receiver or the 6'4 230 receiver who couldn't run.   The best WR he has picked has been Bernard Berrian and as soon as he left he couldn't even stick as a number 3 for the Vikings.  Jerry's hands down best pick has been Matt Forte, but then he butchered this pick by not locking Matt Forte up prior to Forte having a breakout year.  Forte is one of the most diversified backs in the NFL.  Forte could have been had for Frank Gore money, possibly less, and now we are going to have to franchise tag him or sign him to a much larger deal then we would have had to.  In a close second for his best pick is Devin Hester.  Hester may very well go into the HOF as a return man.  Outside of those two picks, Jerry in my opinion made very few picks that helped the team put points on the board offensively.

2.) QBs : This is what I call a wasted decade because outside of the last two years, the Bears wasted a decade of outstanding defense by not winning a SB.  The defense kept the Bears competitive and made watching the Bears a pleasure these past 11 years.  The Bears in the BC(Before Cutler) days, never had a chance with the QBs they were running out there.  They were never going to be able to win a shootout vs. a Brees, Manning or Brady.  And now to this year.  How the Bears went into the past 2 seasons with Caleb Hanie as the backup is inexcusable.  Why the Bears did not go after a McNabb or try and make a deal was outrageous to me.  This team had promise and they just gave the season away.  Cutler would have been back for the playoffs had the Bears been able to take care of business against the garbage in the AFC West.  Pisses me off.  This blows....I think I need to stop talking about this because thinking about the slate of games we get to watch this weekend makes me sick. .....

PS....Anyone else bet OK State last night.  Talk about a painful way to lose a bet you should have never won in the first place.  I couldn't sleep at all after that game. Stayed up watching Seinfeld trying to laugh but was just unable and then went to work this morning exhausted.  Fudge

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