Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Does It Really Matter that Theo is the GM?

While this is not totally official, I have to question how great a move this is. I mean seriously, Theo what are you thinking. This team is a disaster zone. There is almost no hope for this team to be a contender in the near future. You are going to need to replace everyone but Starlin Castro.  Newsflash Cubs Fans : Darwin Barney is Ryan Theriot, but worse.   Is Theo coming to the Cubs exciting. Hell yes is it is, but the dude is just not going to be able to turn this thing around overnight because this team is just not even close to good.   Okay now that I just ranted about that, here is a list of things Theo needs to do immediately.
1.) Fire Mike Quade: I got no qualms with Mike but he is just in over his head.  Guy has sacrificed developing youth for two straight years to try and get a job and then save his job.  Get him out. Bring in Tito or some other person.  Might as well trade for Paul Konerko and make him player manager like Kenny Williams almost did.  It really could not be any worse than this year was.
2.) Start Fresh : Starlin Castro is your team.  Every other position needs to addressed, especially since we may need to trade our entire farm system for your magical fairy dust.  God Dawg
3.) Ummmmmm. Fire everyone....Im talking everyone. Except for Robert the Beer vendor in section 202. 
4.) Try and get the Cubs to relocate for a year, tear down Wrigley and rebuild a new stadium.  It is Loserville, USA.   Convince Jiminy Ricketts to do this and you will have a ship in the next 5 years.
5.) Pray....Only God can help you now Theo.

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